Recipe of Sriracha Deviled Eggs

Recipe of Sriracha Deviled Eggs

Sriracha Deviled Eggs are a delightful twist on the classic deviled egg recipe, adding a spicy kick that is sure to please those who enjoy a bit of heat in their food. This recipe is perfect for parties, picnics, or any gathering where appetizers are served. Below is a detailed recipe that includes all the steps and tips needed to create these flavorful bites.


For the Eggs:

  • 12 large eggs
  • Water for boiling
  • Ice bath (a large bowl of ice water)

For the Filling:

  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons Sriracha sauce (adjust to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar or white vinegar
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste

For the Garnish:

  • Paprika or smoked paprika (for sprinkling)
  • Fresh chives or green onions, finely chopped
  • Additional Sriracha (optional, for drizzling)


Boiling the Eggs

  1. Prepare the Pot: Place the eggs in a single layer in a large saucepan. Add enough water to cover the eggs by about an inch.

  2. Boil the Eggs: Bring the water to a rapid boil over medium-high heat. Once the water reaches a rolling boil, cover the pan with a lid and remove it from the heat. Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 12 minutes.

  3. Cool the Eggs: After 12 minutes, transfer the eggs to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Let them cool for at least 5 minutes.

  4. Peel the Eggs: Gently tap each egg on a hard surface and roll it to crack the shell. Peel the eggs under running water to help remove the shells more easily.

Preparing the Filling

  1. Cut the Eggs: Slice each egg in half lengthwise. Carefully remove the yolks and place them in a medium-sized bowl. Arrange the egg white halves on a serving platter.

  2. Mash the Yolks: Use a fork to mash the yolks until they are crumbly and smooth.

  3. Mix the Filling: Add the mayonnaise, Sriracha sauce, Dijon mustard, vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper to the mashed yolks. Mix until the filling is creamy and well combined. Adjust the seasoning to taste.

Filling the Egg Whites

  1. Fill the Eggs: Spoon the filling mixture into a piping bag fitted with a large round or star tip. If you don't have a piping bag, you can use a zip-top bag with the corner snipped off or simply use a spoon.

  2. Pipe the Filling: Pipe or spoon the filling into each egg white half, filling them generously.

Garnishing the Deviled Eggs

  1. Sprinkle with Paprika: Lightly sprinkle the filled eggs with paprika or smoked paprika for a touch of color and flavor.

  2. Add Fresh Herbs: Garnish with finely chopped chives or green onions for a fresh, vibrant touch.

  3. Optional Sriracha Drizzle: For an extra spicy kick, drizzle a small amount of Sriracha over the top of the filled eggs.

Serving and Storing

  1. Serve: Serve the Sriracha Deviled Eggs immediately, or refrigerate them until ready to serve. They can be made up to a day in advance.

  2. Store: Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. Note that the filling may become slightly softer as it sits, but the flavors will remain delicious.

Tips and Variations

  • Adjusting the Spice Level: If you prefer a milder flavor, reduce the amount of Sriracha in the filling. For more heat, add extra Sriracha or include a pinch of cayenne pepper.

  • Alternative Fillings: For a different twist, try adding finely chopped pickles, crumbled bacon, or shredded cheese to the filling mixture.

  • Presentation: For an elegant presentation, use a star tip to pipe the filling into the egg whites. You can also place the deviled eggs on a bed of fresh greens or garnish with edible flowers for a beautiful display.

  • Flavor Enhancements: A splash of lemon juice or a dash of hot sauce can be added to the filling for additional tang and heat.

  • Make-Ahead Tips: If you’re preparing for a large gathering, you can boil and peel the eggs a day in advance. Store the peeled eggs in a sealed container in the refrigerator. You can also prepare the filling ahead of time and store it separately. Just before serving, fill the egg whites and garnish them to ensure they stay fresh and visually appealing.

Nutritional Information (per serving)

Approximate Values:

  • Calories: 90
  • Protein: 6g
  • Fat: 7g
  • Carbohydrates: 1g
  • Fiber: 0g
  • Sugar: 0g

Health Considerations:

  • High in Protein: Eggs are a great source of high-quality protein, which is essential for muscle repair and growth.

  • Low in Carbohydrates: This recipe is low in carbs, making it suitable for low-carb and ketogenic diets.

  • Healthy Fats: The fats in this recipe come primarily from the egg yolks and mayonnaise. Opt for a mayonnaise made with healthy oils, like olive oil, to improve the nutritional profile.

Customizing for Dietary Needs:

  • Gluten-Free: This recipe is naturally gluten-free. Always check labels on condiments like Sriracha and mustard to ensure they are gluten-free as well.

  • Dairy-Free: This recipe does not contain dairy, making it suitable for those who are lactose intolerant or following a dairy-free diet.

Additional Tips for Perfect Deviled Eggs

Choosing the Eggs:

  • Older Eggs are Better: Slightly older eggs are easier to peel than fresh eggs. If possible, use eggs that are at least a week old.

Peeling the Eggs:

  • Shock in Ice Bath: The ice bath not only stops the cooking process but also helps to contract the egg whites, making the eggs easier to peel.

  • Rolling Technique: Rolling the eggs on a hard surface after cracking helps to loosen the shell and makes peeling easier.

Filling the Eggs:

  • Smooth Filling: For an ultra-smooth filling, you can push the yolk mixture through a fine-mesh sieve before adding the mayonnaise and other ingredients.

  • Creative Fillings: Mix up the flavors by incorporating different herbs and spices into the filling. Dill, parsley, or even a touch of curry powder can add unique flavor profiles.

Final Thoughts

Sriracha Deviled Eggs are a versatile and crowd-pleasing appetizer that can be easily customized to suit your taste preferences. Whether you serve them at a casual get-together or a formal event, they will surely be a hit. With their perfect balance of creaminess and heat, these deviled eggs will leave your guests returning for more. Enjoy making and sharing this spicy twist on a classic recipe!

FAQs about Sriracha Deviled Eggs

1. Can I make Sriracha Deviled Eggs ahead of time?

Yes, you can prepare the eggs and the filling ahead of time. Boil and peel the eggs up to a day in advance and store them in the refrigerator. The filling can also be made ahead and stored in a separate container. Fill the egg whites and garnish just before serving for the best presentation.

2. How can I adjust the spice level in the Sriracha Deviled Eggs?

To make the eggs milder, reduce the amount of Sriracha in the filling. If you prefer more heat, add extra Sriracha or include a pinch of cayenne pepper. You can also drizzle additional Sriracha on top of the filled eggs for an extra spicy kick.

3. Can I use a different hot sauce instead of Sriracha?

Yes, you can substitute Sriracha with any hot sauce of your choice. Keep in mind that different hot sauces vary in flavor and heat level, so adjust the amount according to your taste preference.

4. What are some variations to the filling?

You can customize the filling by adding ingredients like finely chopped pickles, crumbled bacon, shredded cheese, or fresh herbs. Experiment with different flavors to find your favorite combination.


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